A dedication to the volunteers of Aruba Birdlife Conservation

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On May 11th, 2010, the Aruba Birdlife Conservation (ABC) was founded with the aim of protecting the biodiversity in general and birds in and around Aruba in particular. Among other things, the foundation will focus on increasing the survival chances of species of wild birds by promoting their preservation and conservation.

The foundation publishes the most beautiful pictures of local birds on their social media that show us the beauty of Aruba’s birds and nature in general. The founder of ABC, Greg Peterson, wrote a letter expressing his gratitude to the work and volunteers of the foundation.

“ABC’s 16 areas national conservation project has come to fruition, primarily and with gratitude to our volunteers (and one very good and dedicated lawyer with his heart in the right place and who is also a volunteer). The journey officially started on September 13, 2012, with ABC’s first letter to parliament to engage parliament to protect these 16 nature areas and to get them added as nature reserves to Aruba’s National Park.

After many, many, trials, and tribulations, we have overcome, we have proven that with dedication it is possible, and today, we leave Aruba a better place behind than when we started.
Our first success was Spanish Lagoon, and now since July 16, 2020, all of the other areas have also been protected and placed under National Park Aruba. This we have done for the children.

Our “Wounded Knee” was Bubali Wetlands where we took a stand to stop corruption and to stop the further destruction of one of Aruba’s most Important Bird Areas. A historical amount of court cases was fought for the conservation of this area, and we won, with one success after the other.

We must learn to believe that we can change our island for the better, and yes, you too can help make a difference.

Recently, we were in court once again, to side with our National Park, and soon more court cases will be launched to stop further destruction of our island’s nature, among them in Savaneta.

But this past weekend we stood still a moment to celebrate a victory for Aruba’s nature.

We show just one chart today, in which we can proudly add the words “National Park”.

Aruba Birdlife Conservation would like to dedicate the “Bubali Wetlands National Park” to all the volunteers of Aruba Birdlife Conservation, with immense gratitude for believing that we could get this done, against all odds.

Volunteers of Aruba Birdlife Conservation: great gratitude to you and very, very proud of you! You have made a difference.”