Simon Waslander: The Sharpe-Adjusted Altruistic Innovation Portfolio

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The holy grail of investing has always surrounded around the concept of the sharp-adjusted portfolio, a theoretical portfolio of assets that maximizes the amount of gain relative to the risk taken. In this article, we seek to introduce the concept of the altruistic sharp-adjusted innovation portfolio in which we will explain how the mobilization of existing capital pools that are already present and in combination with Parototopian goal alignment can lead to a radically more positive World in which we create large potential benefits for all of Humanity on the way to a “Radical Abundance Society”.

Existing Wealth & Distribution

Wealth distribution has always been a contested topic in various parts of human history. At the moment the top 1% of the wealthiest individuals control more than 50% of all Global assets this is obviously a distribution that is not beneficial to society at Large at the moment there are hundreds of trillions of dollars in capital according to a UBS wealth report in 2024 which are in the hands of a few very wealthy individuals family offices and fund managers Imagine if this estimated $213 trillion US dollars were to be mobilized in projects that possess a combination of high return on investment for the investing party but also most importantly aspects of pro-social altruistic goals that benefit society at large. In my humble view and estimation this combination of a high return on investment while fulfilling pro-social altruistic goals is quite possible and is achievable at this very moment.

Use Existing We alth Pools for Altruistic High-RoI Projects

According to a recent report by Deloitte in 2024 where they looked at Family offices of various ultra-high Network individuals, we see these parties already looking towards goals of Affordable Clean Energy Health, Welfare and the Reduction of Poverty, Sustainable Communities, and Quality and Education among the main investment targets mentioned

Interconnectedness of SDGs

What is missing is a coordinated and concerted effort by both public and private investment parties, and in combination with advanced analytical tools in which we deduce what will be the best investments both in the immediate term but also in the longer-term and what trade-offs will be made to fulfill the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The interconnectedness, tradeoffs, return-on-investment and potential advantages for society, our ecosystem and the economy are far too complex for even the most trained mind however together with advanced data visualization tools artificial intelligence, and teams of both public researchers and private market stakeholders we can create a model for an altruistic sharp-ratio adjusted innovation portfolio. Providing both investment return and large societal benefits both in the immediate term and in the long-term structural way through positive spill-over effects.

Goal: Radical Abundance & Paretopian Goal Alignment

The huge underlying imperative should be the creation of a society where resource scarcity as we currently know it is completely eliminated. While at the same time fulfilling short-term goals of direct impact on human lives and our ecosystems. Calculations and analysis by Oxford researcher Eric Drexler show that in a society where resources are amplified by over a factor thousand which he terms the “Radical Abundance Society”, there will be a relative Parototopian goal alignment for all stakeholders and players within such a society. In short, within this context, it will cease to be beneficial to hoard material possessions and not invest in altruistic goals.

But before we reach such a relatively utopian scenario we should put immediate efforts towards the calculation and creation of the “Sharp-Adjusted Innovation Portfolio”