The Aruba Tourism Authority honor loyal visitors on the island; Mr. Charles Nemser & Mrs. Sharon DeMyer-Nemser

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Recently, Kimberley Richardson of the Aruba Tourism Authority had the great pleasure to honor on of Arubaā€™s loyal and friendly visitors as an Emerald Ambassador of Aruba. The emerald Ambassador is presented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a token of appreciation and to say ā€˜Masha Dankiā€™ to guests whom have visited Aruba 35 years and more consecutively.

The Emerald Ambassador certificate is the highest certificate that we present, and is only given
to a few, making every part of this honoring ceremony even more special.

Ms. Richardson had the great pleasure to meet and honor Mr. Charles Nemser & Mrs. Sharon DeMyer-Nemser from Massachusetts, United States.

This couple stated that they love the island very much, especially for its year-round sunny weather, its nice sandy beaches and picturesque sunsets, its options of fun activities around the island & variety of foods, its safety, and Arubaā€™s warm and friendly people whom have become family to them.

Ms. Richardson together with the representatives of the Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort presented the certificate to the honorees, handed over some presents, and also thanked them for choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination and as their home-away-from-home.