Stimami Sterilisami as a foundation is not unknown in Aruba. In 2016, Bucuti & Tara started this foundation with the goal of confronting the problem of cats and dogs on the streets of Aruba, in a sustainable way. With this program, the cost of sterilization surgery becomes significantly reduced for the pet owners, as well as for the organizations which take care of our animals on the streets.
As a tourist destination, but also as a home for our people, it is extremely important to minimize the suffering of animals on the streets, to relieve the visual hassle that animals on the streets cause, as well as avoid situations which can cause insecurity for the people of Aruba and our visitors.
From 2016, ATA forms part of this project with funds, together with Bucuti & Tara and TPEF. Many times ATA receives criticism regarding the problem of stray dogs and cats on the streets through various channels, and recognizes the importance of finding solutions for this. In 2020, because of the pandemic, both ATA and TPEF had to stop donating funds and opted to put this project on hold temporarily. From 2022, both ATA and TPEF started donating funds back to the foundation Stimami Sterilisami [the name translates as Love me, Sterilize me].
Recently the foundation celebrated the achievement of 30,000 sterilizations from its beginning. ATA is thankful to all those who participate in this project, and hopes to continue counting with the cooperation of our community to contribute to less cats and dogs on the streets.