New helicopter for the marines

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HNLMS Groningen will have access to an NH90 maritime combat helicopter again after two and a half months. This morning a plane took off by air to the Caribbean. The helicopter replaces the one that crashed in July.

The NH90 has been prepared for air transport at Eindhoven Air Base in recent days. The aircraft was already loaded into a C-17 transport aircraft yesterday. That aircraft is one of the three aircraft of the joint NATO Heavy Airlift Wing program.

It is not uncommon for Defense to fly in helicopters by air transport. Normally, the aircraft sails on the patrol vessel that goes to the deployment area, but because of the pilot, the substitute crew has deviated from this.

Station ship

HNLMS Groningen has been active as a station ship in the Caribbean since July 2020. The ship is used there for coastguard duties, rescue operations, counter-drug operations and providing emergency aid. The NH90 provides support.

The previous plane crashed into the sea off the coast of Aruba on July 19. Two crew members were killed, two others survived the crash. The replacement of the device was already on the agenda for that incident.