Painting performance by Gustave Nouel in Holland

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During ‘Art Circuit open’ (, from September 9- 14, many Art disciplines will present themselves in Deventer, with promotional high-level trial classes and performances  of music, dance, theatre, Art and much more. In the foyer of Art Circuit will also be an exhibition of some famous teachers /artists that work together with ‘Art Circuit’.

On Wednesday September 11th in the foyer of the ‘Art Circuit’, (one of the largest and most important cultural centres of the region), Aruban painter Gustave Nouel, will give a portrait painting demonstration. Groningen artist Chretien Goos will also give a still life painting demonstration this same evening. Together with artist Hajo Snater and a group of fellow artists associated with Art Circuit and the best students of Gustave Nouel, they will be making street-sketches of the public.
There will also be live model sketching given to everyone interested in a separate space next to the foyer. The professional artists Gustave Nouel, Chretien Goos and Hajo Snater will guide the interested public as necessary or desired. The public is also welcome just to spectate and enjoy free cheese and (French) wine, during this ‘creative evening in French spheres’ … (a la Montmartre)

The new Tuesday night course on street sketching and painting for all levels of the well-known artist Gustave Nouel is starting with a free first lesson during “Art Circuit open”, on Tuesday, September 10th from 19:15 to 21:15. In the city of Deventer where the Gustave Nouel lives, he will share his expertise and will show his art in exhibitions at all levels.
Art Circuit itself will be showing some of his paintings in the foyer. Here the famous Aruban professional Gustave Nouel gives performances, workshops and / or exhibitions, nationally and internationally at all levels, often as a special invited artist.

For more information on this event please check