Aruba Today and Bon Dia Aruba celebrate Press Day

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Aruba dedicates the first day of September to their media with Press Day. This day the press celebrates their profession by sharing time with colleagues and release a little bit of the daily deadline stress. Fun was present at the Ostrich Farm where Bon Dia Aruba and Aruba Today enjoyed a great tour that provided interesting facts about the largest bird on earth. A nice breakfast under the giant African-style palapa was for sure a great Sunday morning experience.

Also this day we emphasis the importance of freedom of speech and independent press. As media we are responsible to maintain our neutral vision and independent position, a topic that often is being discussed. It is essential to defend the fundamental principles of press freedom and to assess the state of press freedom throughout the world. This day pays attention to the media attacks on their independence and also to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives

Both newspapers, Aruba Today and Bon Dia Aruba are part of Caribbean Speed Printers N.V. which is responsible for the production, printing and distribution. The company was incorporated on April 4th, 1990 by John A. Chemaly Sr. and specializes in newsprint publications with the latest in printing technology on its premises. Aruba Today, the only English and free newspaper on the island, has subscribed to the Associated Press (AP) and provides readers with the latest international news from the repertoire of AP writers and columnists. They also bring local news that is of interest to our visitors as well as locals. Bon Dia Aruba is a Papiamento newspaper and has a trusted image. About 30 employees make sure that both newspapers are ready to read six days a week. The work is an ongoing 24-hour process of the department’s administration, sales, editorial, lay-out, pre-press, press and distribution. q