Family & Friends honored at Marriott Ocean Club

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Recently, Marouska Heyliger had the great pleasure to honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly visitors. The certificates presented to the honorees are a way to say “Masha Danki” for continuously choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination.

The honorees were Frank and Diana Roberto from Ohio. They have been honored as Goodwill Ambassadors. The Roberto family love coming to the island especially for the friendly people, the beautiful beaches and the good weather.

Also honored as Goodwill Ambassadors were Gerald McGlumphy and Family from West Virginia. They stated that they love coming to the island for the amazing variety of food, the wonderful Marriott Hotel and the lovely people of the island.

Heyliger together with representatives of the Marriott Ocean Club presented the honorees with the symbolic honorary title on behalf of the Minister of Tourism as a token of appreciation and thanked them for choosing Aruba as their home away from home for so many years. q