90% of July 2019 departing passengers recovered in July 2021; 109,318 passengers departed in July 2021

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Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) reports as follows on AUA Airportā€™s performance for July 2021 where the strongest recovery yet has been recorded since the pandemic hit back in March of 2020.

In July 2021, AUA Airport handled 109,318 departing passengers. This was 29% more than month before. During the past month AUA Airport recovered 90% of the amount of departing passenger that were handled in 2019 during that same month. In July 2021 91,715 passengers (pax) travelled to the US, 7,568 pax to Europe, 3,724 pax to the Netherlands Antilles, and 6,311 pax to Latin America.

An average outbound passenger load factor (PLF) (number of seats of the total seats on board an aircraft that are occupied when departing from AUA Airport) for the US Market of 91% was reported during the month of July 2021, while the average PLF for all markets was at 88% during that same period (in comparison to 2019 where an average PLF for all markets of 85% was reached).

During the past month, AUA Airport averaged 30 flights per day, down from 37 daily flights during the same period in 2019. In that same period in 2020 we only handled a total amount of 275 flights whilst our national border re-opened in July of 2020 for all commercial operations.