16th Annual Breakfast Walk of Imeldahof Children Home

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Imeldahof Children Home Foundation will be celebrating their 65th anniversary and will kick off the celebration with the annual breakfast walk. This will take place on Sunday November 24th at 6AM.

Imeldahof is a children home for children ages 7 till 15. The objective of the children home is to offer a temporary home and guidance for children who, for a variety of reasons, are unable to remain in their own homes. In most cases this is until placement with their own family or relatives or a foster family can be found. The Children Home first opened its doors on November 25, 1954 with the effort of the Roman Catholic Sisters of Bethani and was managed by the Bethani Dutch Antilles Foundation. In 1976, the organization altered itself whereat Children Home Imeldahof Aruba (Stichting Kinderhuis Imeldahof Aruba) was founded as a private foundation, subsidized by the government. The subsidization concerns the salaries of the personnel and to cover expenses per child. These expenses include provisions, attire, school material/fixed costs, activities, and all other expenses to manage the foundation. Furthermore, the organization is dependent on the community for financial and voluntary support in order to provide special activities or projects for the children.

In order to get funds for their activities Imeldahof will be holding the 16th edition of the well-known breakfast walk. It’s a 5km walk for the whole family. It starts at 6AM at Imeldahof in Noord, where you can enjoy the beauty of the sunrise while spending quality time with the family. All participants will receive a t-shirt and also a snack box at the end of the walk.

To register for the walk please send an email to meldahofaruba@setar.aw or whatsapp at 593-7814 or contact the office at 587-6085.q